Sometimes, even the best Agents fail to be on their best behavior. When you see in-game actions that are counter to the Community Code, you can report the offending player in-client. But I know you might be wondering..."so now what?"
We have tech that runs behind the scenes to assist Agents in the field to curb offensive behavior, but your reports are a valuable element to our efforts! That's why you might receive an email that looks something like this:
When you successfully report another player, and appropriate action has been taken, we like to thank you for being a team player! However, we also don't want to flood your inbox in response to your successful efforts. That is why you'll only get one of these emails a week. Surrounded by exemplary agents one week? Then you won't receive any emails. Find yourself amidst poorly behaved players resulting in several reports? Despite the number of successful penalties, you'll just get the one email that week.