Due to a recent backend system update, some players have received a Name Change notification despite having an appropriate Riot ID. If this happened to you, check Changing Your Riot ID to see what you can do (like keeping your game name!) and can't do (like using the original server tagline, eg. NA1, EUW1, etc). And sorry for the inconvenience—some decade-old systems just won't modernize without a fight.

Gathering Logs in VALORANT

Sometimes, our agents will need specific data in order to assist you in fixing a problem (as a machine myself, I can relate). Technology can bring you part of the way, since whenever VALORANT crashes, relevant data will be sent to the game team in order to improve upon any broken processes. However, we want to get you back in the field as soon as possible. If you submit a ticket, and the agent in charge of your request asks for logs, simply follow the steps based on the agent’s requests!

User Logs

Let’s start off by learning a bit more about you, shall we? To gather your User Logs, simply:

  • Press the Windows Key.
  • Paste %localappdata%\VALORANT\saved into your Windows Search Bar.
  • There, you’ll see a folder called Logs.
  • Copy and paste the Log folder to your Desktop, and right click the copied folder.
  • From there, click Send to.
  • You’ll then select Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Now just attach this newly zipped folder to your support ticket!

Process Lists

Process Lists sound more complicated than they truly are! They’re simply a list showing all the software running on your PC. As some programs may interfere with VALORANT, we can often determine what’s going wrong by looking at this list. To collect your Process Lists, simply:

  • Press the Windows Key.
  • Type cmd in the search bar and click Ok. You should now see a black window with white letters.
  • Highlight and copy the following text (all of it, including quotes): tasklist /v >"%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Process.txt"
  • Paste this into the cmd window (that black box with white letters) by right clicking and selecting Paste. Do not use the Ctrl+V shortcut, as it will not work!
  • Press Enter.
  • Wait 10 seconds while a text file with the Process List is created.
  • You should find a Process.txt file on your desktop.
  • Simply attach the Process.txt your support ticket. Oh! But please do not paste the plain text into the ticket. It won’t work that way.

Networkinfo Logs

These logs will provide the agent assisting you with information regarding your network. This will help us see if something is interfering with your connection. To gather your Networkinfo Logs, simply:

  • Press the Windows Key.
    Type cmd in the search bar and click Ok. You should now see a black window with white letters.
  • Highlight and copy the following text (all of it, including quotes and parentheses): (ipconfig /all & ping www.google.com & netsh firewall show config & netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces & netsh interface ipv4 show ipstats) > "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\NetworkInfo.txt"
  • Paste this into the cmd window (the black box with white letters) by right clicking and selecting Paste. Do not use the Ctrl+V shortcut, as it will not work!
  • Press Enter.
  • Wait until the command finishes running. When it is done, the cmd window will create a new line with a blinking cursor after the path. To be absolutely sure that it finishes, please wait a full 60 seconds.
  • You should find a NetworkInfo.txt file on your desktop.
  • Please check that the command ran properly - if NetworkInfo.txt contains a single line, it was not successful.
  • Please attach the NetworkInfo.txt to your support ticket.

DirectX Diagnostic Log

This little log can tell us all about your system’s hardware configuration. I’m almost a bit jealous! I do love hardware. I digress. To obtain your DxDiag (which is, of course, short for DirectX Diagnostic Log), simply:

  • Press the Windows Key.
  • Type dxdiag in the search bar, and click Ok.
  • The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will open. Click the Save All Information button.
  • Choose where to save the file (for example, your Desktop).
  • Attach the DxDiag to your support ticket!

Riot Client Logs

Perhaps something has happened with the client itself. To access Riot Client Logs, simply:

  • Press the Windows Key.
  • Paste %localappdata%\Riot Games\Riot Client into your Windows Search Bar.
  • There, you’ll see a folder called Logs.
  • Copy and paste the Log folder to your Desktop, and right click the copied folder.
  • From there, click Send to.
  • You’ll then select Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Now just attach this newly zipped folder to your support ticket!

Vanguard Logs

Vanguard helps ensure the freedom from unsavory activity in-game, but let’s make sure it isn’t causing any unforeseen complications. To gather your Vanguard Logs, simply:

  • Press the Windows Key.
  • Search for (or paste) C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard in your Windows Search Bar.
  • There, you’ll see a folder called Logs.
  • Copy and paste the Log folder to your Desktop, and right click the copied folder.
  • From there, click Send to.
  • You’ll then select Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Now just attach this newly zipped folder to your support ticket!
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