If VAL isn't launching or is launching into a black screen after the latest patch, first try restarting your PC. If that doesn't work, a clean reinstall of your graphics drivers may resolve the issue. We hope this helps while we work on a fix.

Due to a recent backend system update, some players have received a Name Change notification despite having an appropriate Riot ID. If this happened to you, check Changing Your Riot ID to see what you can do (like keeping your game name!) and can't do (like using the original server tagline, eg. NA1, EUW1, etc). And sorry for the inconvenience—some decade-old systems just won't modernize without a fight.

Addressing Virtualization-based security (VBS) settings on Windows 10 | VAN9005 | VALORANT

This article applies to players who receive the following VAN9005 notification:  

VALORANT won't run on your machine starting July 10, 2023, unless you take action. 

Your best option is to change your BIOS mode to UEFI and enable TPM 2.0. If those features are unavailable on your machine, you can still run VALORANT on Windows 10 by disabling Virtualization-based security (VBS).

Step 1: Check if your system supports UEFI Mode and TPM 2.0

Verify whether UEFI Mode is supported and enabled
  1. Press the Windows key. 
  2. Type msinfo32 and press Enter. The System Information window opens.
  3. In the left panel, click System Summary
  4. Scroll down the panel on the right and look for the BIOS Mode value:
    • The BIOS Mode value should be UEFI

Verify whether TPM 2.0 is supported and enabled
  1. Press the Windows key. 
  2. Type tpm.msc and press Enter
  3. If TPM is unsupported or not enabled, you will see something like this:


    If TPM is supported
    , you will see something like this: 

    • Status: The TPM is ready for use. 
    • Specification Version: 2.0

Step 2: Change to UEFI Mode and Enable TPM 2.0

If UEFI mode and TPM 2.0 are supported on your machine, enable both settings

When you enable both settings, you should be all set and you shouldn’t see the notification the next time you run VALORANT even if you have VBS enabled. 

Information about changing to UEFI mode and enabling TPM 2.0

IMPORTANT: About editing your BIOS settings

If you’re not familiar with navigating through your BIOS, please reach out to a professional. Incorrectly configuring BIOS settings can cause issues with your computer–including having it fail to start up.

On top of this, the BIOS is highly variable depending on the brand and type of computer or motherboard you are using. As such, we highly recommend that you reach out to your computer or motherboard manufacturer's support resources to assist you with this. 

Changing to UEFI mode

Newer computers will have UEFI mode enabled by default. If your BIOS setting uses Legacy mode, please check your manufacturer for details on changing from Legacy BIOS mode to UEFI mode.

Enabling TPM 2.0

Please note: The resources included in this guide are not monitored or owned by Riot Games, so use them at your own risk!

Here are a few support resources with steps on how to enable TPM 2.0:

ASUS https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1046215/
Dell https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000189676/windows-10-how-to-enable-the-tpm-trusted-platform-module
HP https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_4300937-4295746-16
Lenovo https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht512598
MSI https://www.msi.com/blog/How-to-Enable-TPM-on-MSI-Motherboards-Featuring-TPM-2-0

Microsoft also has a general page on how to enable TPM 2.0: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enable-tpm-2-0-on-your-pc-1fd5a332-360d-4f46-a1e7-ae6b0c90645c#bkmk_enable_tpm

Step 3 (If you can't do Step 2): Disable VBS

If UEFI and TPM 2.0 are not supported on your machine, you can disable VBS to keep playing VALORANT.

How to disable VBS (Virtualization-based security): 

First check whether VBS is enabled: 

  • In the Windows Start menu, search msinfo32 and press Enter to open System Information.
  • Scroll down the panel on the right to find Virtualization-based security. If it's Running, then VBS is enabled. 

If it's Running, you can use the following steps to disable VBS:

  1. Open a command prompt and run it as an admin. 
  2. Paste this command and press Enter:
    bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Check msinfo32 again to confirm that Virtualization-based security is Not Running. If it says that it’s still Running, you need to also disable Core isolation (HVCI):

    To disable Core isolation (HVCI):

    1. In the Windows Start menu, search Core isolation and press Enter to open your Device security settings. 
    2. Toggle Memory integrity off and restart your computer. 

After either enabling TPM 2.0 or disabling VBS, try relaunching VALORANT to confirm that the notification went away. If you're still seeing the notification, reach out to player support with a brief summary of the steps you've taken so far. 

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