Due to a recent backend system update, some players have received a Name Change notification despite having an appropriate Riot ID. If this happened to you, check Changing Your Riot ID to see what you can do (like keeping your game name!) and can't do (like using the original server tagline, eg. NA1, EUW1, etc). And sorry for the inconvenience—some decade-old systems just won't modernize without a fight.

Rank Rating (RR) for Iron through Ascendant Ranks

If you’re taking down targets in tiers Iron through Ascendant, Rank Rating (RR) represents a visual way to track your progress. Immortal and Radiant players still have RR, but it works a bit differently in those tiers—you can learn more about that here.



When a new Episode begins, all players need to play 5 placement matches to be placed, with Ascendant 1 being the highest initial placement.

To receive your rank in Act 2 or 3, you'll need to play 1 placement match. While your rank won't automatically drop at the beginning of each Act, it can drop if your placement match is a rough one.


After being placed, you’ll start off with 50 RR in your determined rank, and will need 100 RR to promote. Once you hit that hundred mark, you’ll start the next rank with a minimum 10 RR buffer (just in case the next match in a new rank or tier doesn’t go how you’d hoped).

To demote, you’ll need to hit 0 RR and then lose again. The lowest you can start in the next tier down after being demoted is 70 RR.

For info on how RR and climbing work for Immortal and Radiant players, take a look at this article.

What affects my RR?

Winning and losing has the largest impact on your RR going up or down depending on the end of the match. However, there are other factors that have a smaller, but no less notable impact. How much you win by, extraordinary plays, and whether or not you’re the underdog in a match can all have an effect. Since we’re looking at the individual, it’ll be your performance under review, rather than that of your teammates.

How much RR you gain or lose is affected by how close your rank is to your MMR (hidden matchmaking rating.) MMR is a giant ladder consisting of all players, and no two players can hold the same spot. In general:

  • If your MMR is higher than your rank, you’ll gain more RR on wins than you lose on losses
  • If your MMR is even with your rank, you’ll gain and lose closer amounts of RR for wins and losses
  • If your MMR is lower than your rank, you’ll gain less RR on wins and lose more on losses
  • Increase your MMR by outperforming your opponents and winning more consistently!

Check out this Ask VALORANT article and our visual breakdown in How Rank Rating (RR) Is Calculated for more on how RR and MMR work.


Going AFK or queue dodging in Competitive games for a prolonged period of time will affect your RR... for the worse. Don’t risk the RR penalty, and make sure to stay in-game once you’re in the queue.

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