Due to a recent backend system update, some players have received a Name Change notification despite having an appropriate Riot ID. If this happened to you, check Changing Your Riot ID to see what you can do (like keeping your game name!) and can't do (like using the original server tagline, eg. NA1, EUW1, etc). And sorry for the inconvenience—some decade-old systems just won't modernize without a fight.

In-Client Currency

You’ve been working hard, haven’t you, Agent? I think it’s time to treat yourself to some shiny new toys. Afterall, in VALORANT, no one says you can’t take down your enemies...in style.

There are three types of currency that you can use in game: VALORANT Points, Radianite Points, and Kingdom Credits

Valorant Points, or VP for short, allow you to level up your contracts in the early stages (which you can learn more about here), as well as letting you use your real-life money to put towards premium skins and Radianite Points.

Radianite Points are an in-game currency specifically for jazzing up your firepower, allowing you to evolve your guns cosmetically. You can buy them from the Store using your VP, or by gaining the XP to unlock some in your Battlepass. New around these parts? You can earn some Radianite Points through the New Player Experience Contract as well.

I'm new here... what are Creds?

Creds are the in-game currency used in gameplay. They don’t have any real-world monetary value. Earn them over the course of a match to buy useful items and abilities in the heat of battle.


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